Sunday, March 13, 2011

Show and Tell

The most important thing in creative writing is showing the story instead of telling it. If you get to the point that you are just telling what's going on without any scenes in the story/novel, then you have a problem. Telling is much like telling a story to someone, you leave out a lot of details because the person doesn't need them all. In a creative work, though, you need to show us all those details. We need to get to know who the characters are and what is going on. Think about your senses as well.

Example of telling:
We went to the mall, picked up some clothes. Then, we went home and washed the clothes. Tommorrow I hope that everyone likes the clothing that I got. I'm afraid they won't.

Example of showing:
The mall was crazy. People were bustling everywhere. All we needed to do was get some new clothing for my first day of school. The Hollister smelled deeply of their toxic perfumes. Yet, the smell intoxicated me enough to spend two hundred dollars in there. Coming out with only three shirts and a hoodie and spending that much makes a person quite sad. So, as we went home, I frowned deeply but still dreamed that everyone would love my new clothing.


  1. Interesting but I myself struggle to find the words to describe things in this way.I would love to be able to write stories like that.

  2. ^^ great job working on this.. thankz dude
